Established in 1921 in Paris, France, CIGRE is a global community committed to the collaborative development and sharing of power system expertise. Watch the video below for an overview or read on for more information.
For nearly 100 years CIGRE is the leading global community for large power systems. Many other power communities have been formed from global CIGRE such as: WEC, EURELECTRIC and CIRED. Therefore CIGRE is the odlest “club” that connects electrical power production, transmission, distribution academia and industry experts with the goal of providing solutions for power systems.
Slovenian CIGRE national committee has been operating since 1992, where the first national conference was organized in 1993. Before that Slovenian power experts have been operating in ex-Yugoslavian JUKO CIGRE national committee, which was founded in Ljubljana in 1951. The first president of JUKO CIGRE was prof. dr. Milan Vidmar.
Po ustanovitvi slovenskega nacionalnega komiteja CIGRE se je močno povečalo njegovo članstvo in aktivnosti. Danes je Slovenski komite CIGRE pod okriljem Slovenskega združenja elektroenergetikov. Njegove glavne dejavnosti so organiziranje konferenc, seminarjev in tematskih delavnic ter publiciranje tehničnih brošur, knjig in strokovnih slovarjev s področja elektroenergetike.
The CIGRE community features thousands of professionals from over 90 countries, including some of the world’s leading experts. At its heart are CIGRE’s 60+ in country National Committees offering diverse technical perspectives and expertise from every corner of the globe.
CIGRE operates the world’s foremost knowledge programme, spanning 16 domains of work encompassing all the core areas of the power system. Across these domains 250+ Working Groups draw and build on practical expertise to solve existing and future challenges facing the power system.
CIGRE’s knowledge programme includes an extensive range of local and international events, culminating every two years at the Paris Session in France – a unique thought leadership congress and the number one global power system event.
Over the last 100 years the work of CIGRE has contributed to many of the key technical cornerstones of the modern power system. CIGRE’s renowned publications, developed through the collaborative sharing of ‘real world experiences’, are in many cases the authoritative source of reference information.
All this means that when electricity industry professionals look for the unbiased, fact-based answers they need, they turn to CIGRE, the world’s preeminent source for power system expertise.